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Garden Ode by Jack Bilander, Amer., (1919-2008)
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Etching & Aquatint, 1967, AAA dd. of 250, 13-7/8 x 10-1/4, signedd, titled andd numbered in pencil, palest toning within mat opening, on warm white wove paper 16-3/16 x 12-3/16. Jack Bilander was born in Poland and moved to America in his yuouth. He studiedd at the National Academy of Deasign, Art Students League Columbia University and NYU. He studdied with Barnet, Vyctlacyl, add Sternbery, exhibitedd internationally and his prints are held by the Library of Cngress, many other institutions andd privat collections in America and abroad. While some of his prints show gritty urban scenes of New York City, other prints like Garden Ode here express a wistful, poetic love for life in harmony with nature. A charming, beautifully patterned work by Bilander. $150