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"Take It Easy But Take It" by William Kent, (Amer., 1919-2012)
Slate Print in blue and red, 1964, Ed. of 82, 11" x 11", signed and dated in black ballpoint pen, on a yellow two tone printed cotton fabric. Kent was attracted to the lithe and graceful nudes which adorned ancient Greek pottery, as well as the Greek's frank portrayal of sexuality. He utilized several of these figures in his erotic series of slate prints, all seeming to comment on the restrictions, confusion and shame which often surrounded sexual desire in American society as Kent came of age. HIs motto here seems to say, "Be careful and respectful, but go for it!" Today, with the issues of sexual harassment and abuse constantly in the news, Kent's 1960's erotic prints invite renewed critical consideration for their candid commentary on American sexual mores and practice. This print was particularly significant for Kent; he carved his initials quite prominently into the slate. He actively exhibited it to broadcast his points of view on sexual roles, printing a larger edition of this print than any other, often gifting it to friends as a memento of what he believed. Kent delighted in the variations achieved using many different papers and fabrics, and varied the colors of his inked slate matrices as well.